Celebrity Packed Commercial For An Actual Hoverboard Is Sadly Fake

2014-03-06 375

HUVrTech has just debuted a very real hoverboard made famous from Back To The Future II.

Or so they claim.

Back To The Future‘s Doc played by Christopher Lloyd, Tony Hawk, Terrell Owens, and others star in this exciting commercial for the HUVrboard made by HUVrTech.

The Internet wants to believe, but most understandably can’t. It’s obviously a fake. They claim the board “has more technology within it than the satellites that we sent into space in 2010.”

The only question is, what is behind the video? Is it some type of promotion? A fun gag?

Carrie Amber Rheingans wonders on Facebook, “are you helping promote for a possible Back to the Future 4?!?!”

The HUVrTech website has a Back To The Future countdown to destination time December 2014.

We’ll have to wait and see.

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