Let's React to Ponies The Anthologies 3 Part 1

2014-03-05 1

Well I should admit to something, I've actually seen this video hundreds of times, in fact it's thanks to the Pony Anthology videos that originally got me started into the Brony fandom. So technically I'm cheating by adding this into my blind reactions playlist... but that doesn't mean I'd upload this without someone having a blind reaction to this video.

Joining me in this blind viewing will be Silverfennx (who you'll remember from Boh's and my blind reactions to both Equestria Girls and the Season 4 Premiere, and although he's seen this video plenty of times before, he hasn't seen it as much as I have... at least I think he hasn't) and our host for this video Bohepans the Third, he's the one who's getting the blind reactions treatment.

Also I apologize for some of the echos you'll hear in this video(s), although Bohepans and I were wearing headsets with the sound coming from there, Silverfennx had the microphone from a headset where the sound was coming from his speakers. And since this video was longer than an hour, that means this video was split into two parts. With that said, enjoy!