What is the monthly payment of $497 in The Crush It Formula for?
I wanted to make this video because I have been getting asked pretty
often about the advertising fee partners in The Crush It Formula pay
and I really wanted to clear it up.
When you decide to be come a partner in The Crush It Formula at the $997
level you are placed into the $997 profit pool. Basically what happens is
The Crush It Formula is going to go out and place ads and close sales for
you so you don't have to then at the end of the month all the partners at the
$997 level in The Crush It Formula is split and a monthly payout is made.
In order to get the payout in The Crush It Formula you need to pay $497 monthly
for the advertising. This covers all the advertising and selling. This is how
the advertisements are placed and we are able to make good profits.
Now you should know in The Crush It Formula you have a choice. You can participate
in the monthly payout or you can choose not to pay your $497 and not participate.
So I know some people think this is too much for advertising but if you were
to look at the type of ads that are being placed and where they are being placed
most people would never have a chance to advertise in these places because of the
connections needed and the cost of the advertising.
I hope this video helps clear up any confusion about the advertising fee in
The Crush It Formula
I also wanted to point out after you become a partner at $997 you do not need
to pay the $497 for another 30 days.
On March 7th 2014 the price of the $997 is going up to $1497. If you would like to
get into The Crush It Formula before this increase takes place and save big then
be sure CLICK on the link below right away.
Getting in at the lower price has many advantages. For one thing you are going to
be saving $500 dollars off the price. The profits are going to go up because the cost
to become a partner is going up and the commissions will be going up in The Crush It Formula as well.
If you are at all serious about making money online then The Crush It Formula will
get you there fast.
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Skype: futrrocker
My Blog: http://www.paulgfarmer.com