Egypt: army chief Sisi indicates he will run for president

2014-03-04 3

Egypt’s army chief Sisi has given his clearest signal yet that he wants to run for president.

Speaking at a graduation ceremony at the Cairo war college, he said he “cannot ignore the demands of the majority” who want him to stand.

Chief Field Marshal Abdel Fattah al-Sisi was appointed head of the army and defence minister in August 2012 by Egypt’s first freely elected president, Mohamed Morsi.

He then went on to overthrow Morsi and his government in July 2013 in what the Muslim Brotherhood called a military coup.

He is hugely popular with his supporters who see him as a strong figure who can take control of the political turmoil. He is widely expected to win the presidency if he chooses to run.

His opponents hold him responsible for the deaths of hundreds of protesters in the streets and the torture of political detainees.

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