Can't Walk Anymore-DIRECTOR: Luis Berdejo
Un niño es instruido por su padre para superar el asco que siente por los animales.."Sabes que no te va a hacer nada, es inferior a ti en todos los sentidos y además te tiene miedo, sin embargo...te puede." "Te dan tanto asco y tanta repulsión que no lo puedes soportar, te lo imaginas vivo moviéndose dentro de tu boca, masticando y tragando, en tu interior.Director y guión: Luis Berdejo
IMDB: a child, Pacheco, has a phobia of small animals (insects, worms, lizards and so on). His father, in an attempt to help him get over his phobia, exposes him to a very unusual therapy: he makes him sleep with some of these animals closed in a jar and kept in the house. In this way, Pacheco slowly gets used to contact with the animals and is finally able to overcome his initial repugnance to the point of even feeling affection for them.