Thousands protest in Hong Kong against editor stabbing and erosion of media freedoms

2014-03-02 2


STORY: Thousands in Hong Kong took to the streets on Sunday (March 2) to protest the stabbing of a former chief editor in an attack that has fuelled concerns about what many see as an erosion of media freedoms.

Holding a banner declaring "they can't kill us all", the protesters in black shirts and wearing blue ribbons symbolizing press freedom expressed their shock and anger at the attack last Wednesday (February 26).

A man in a helmet attacked Kevin Lau, former chief editor of the Ming Pao daily, in broad daylight on a leafy harbourfront street, slashing him in the back several times. The assailant rode off on a motorcycle with an accomplice.

The attack took place days after 6,000 journalists marched to Hong Kong's government headquarters to demand the city's leaders uphold press freedom against what they see as intrusions from mainland China in a politically sensitive year.

Doctors said Lau's injuries were severe and in

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