Ukraine: Violent clashes in Kharkiv leave dozens injured

2014-03-01 308

Dozens of people have been hurt in clashes in the eastern Ukrainian city of Kharkiv. Violence reportedly broke out when pro-Russia activists stormed the regional government’s headquarters.

Thousands of people had gathered outside the building during a protest against Ukraine’s new leaders who ousted President Viktor Yanukovych a week ago.

They denounced the Kyiv authorities that have been installed - and called for reunification 
with Russia.

A Russian flag was later seen being raised.

As well as Kharkiv, protests have also taken place in other cities – including Donetsk, Yanukovych’s home town and power base.

The violence in Kharkiv highlights the challenges Ukraine’s new leaders could face in mainly Russian-speaking regions – which oppose the largely pro-Western course charted by the newly installed government.