Sonnie Johnson Speech at Tea Party Patriots Convention

2014-03-01 76

The enemy is the philosophies of Karl Marx..

Karl Marx based Socialism on Feudalism meaning Socialism is just a reformation of Feudalism. The European royal families claimed they were descended directly from Mary and David, that is were royal families claimed authority to rule over other men and why men followed them.

According to Marxist philosophy you cannot be free unless you are in a society free of religion and a royal class that ruled by decree is destroyed and replaced with a political kommissar class that redistributes wealth and labor.

Socialism and Feuadalism do not do not generate the wealth needed for economic expansion, the only way to expand Feudal and Socialist economies is through war.

This is why the medieval nations of Europe were constantly at war with eachother and why Communism had to be contained. Even today your modern Leftist practices political subversion which is just war by other means. The first step in the Communist subversion process is to get you away from God.

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