Hidden Fortress Discovered Under Alcatraz

2014-02-28 337

Recently, Texas A&M researchers uncovered a very surprising finding resting underneath the former Alcatraz prison.

The Alcatraz prison certainly has a history. Recently Texas A&M researchers uncovered a very surprising finding resting underneath the former jail.

The scientists were able to detect the remains of an old military fortress that was previously believed to have been destroyed. The discovery was made with help from ground-penetrating radar.

"With the equipment that we have, the equipment is very sophisticated and very interesting. We can begin to uncover these things, parts of history
that a lot of people don't know about." [Texas A&M College of Geosciences]

The San Francisco Bay island was formerly the home of Fort Alcatraz. It was built right after gold was discovered in the area, then during the Civil War it was turned into a defense facility.

When building the prison that stands today, it’s become apparent that rather than completely demolish the old structure, they just built on top of it.

They are hoping the property can be excavated for further investigation in the near future.