Worst Oscar Performances: Meryl Streep

2014-02-28 3

At this point, there's probably a full-time intern responsible solely for keeping track of Meryl Streep's awards and nominations. Every time Streep makes a movie, some other actress loses her shot at an Oscar nomination. As the aggressive and bitter matriarch in August: Osage County, Streep landed her 18th Academy Award nomination. Eighteen nods out of 52 films that have so far been released means Streep's essentially got a one-in-three chance of being nominated every time she works!

One film that didn't make the grade is She-Devil, a horribly dated '80s comedy that pits Meryl Streep against Roseanne Barr. Instead of the thoughtful characterizations that normally define a Streep performance, here we get Streep broadly swinging for laughs in full diva mode. Luckily, Streep's incredible track record transcends missteps like this movie.