Watch Mana Kurralle theatrical trailer. Starring Arvind Krishna, Rachana Malhotra, Roopa Kaur, Venkat, Krishnudu, Rao Ramesh, YSR, Venu Madhav are the lead stars in this film. This movie is Directed by Veera Sankar and Produced by BVS Srinivas, H.SHaroon. Music of the film composed by Raj, Guru Kiran, Bheems, Mano Murthy, GK, Siva Kakani, Mohan Jona.
Mana Kurralle first look teaser / Mana Kurralle trailer / Mana Kurralle movie launch / Mana Kurralle song trailer / Mana Kurralle songs / Mana Kurralle audio launch / Mana Kurralle music launch / Mana Kurralle press meet / Mana Kurralle platinum disc function / Mana Kurralle promo / Mana Kurralle first look.