Sonakshi Sinha's proximity to co-star Shahid Kapoor has been constantly raising speculations, in and around the B town. While initially we had their chemistry blooming on the sets of, R. Rajkumar, the doubt was further strengthened when they appeared as a couple on the chat show Koffee With Karan. However, putting an end to this hide and seek game, rumor mills are now rife that Sonakshi has personally flown down to Goa to bring in Shahid's birthday bash. In fact, the actress also took up to twitter and showered some Gandi Baat wishes! So has Sonakshi finally initiated her Gandi Baat with Shahid? Well, only time shall tell whether this Cupid will go stupid or tepid, but for now love is definitely in the air! Do like the video and post your comments in the section given below. For latest Bollywood updates and gossip tadkas, don't forget to subscribe to Bollywooduncut.
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