Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Lupus Nephritis Market 2022

2014-02-25 27

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The lupus therapeutics market is dominated by generics and GlaxoSmithKline’s Benlysta is the only drug that has gained marketing approval for SLE in more than 50 years. Following Benlysta’s launch, patients’ uptake has remained low, but due to its associated high price-tag Benlysta has managed to grow the lupus market in terms of value and is currently the second top-selling drug in this market, having generated approximately $107m in 2012 in the seven major markets. The top-selling drug in lupus in terms of value is Roche’s off-label Rituxan, which Researcher estimates generated approximately $170m in 2012 in the seven major markets. There is high R&D activity for the development of new therapies for lupus and six promising biological therapies can potentially enter the SLE and LN market from 2017 to 2022. Anthera Pharmaceuticals, Eli Lilly and Merck Serono are developing anti-BLyS therapies. UCB’s epratuzumab is an anti-CD22, ImmuPharma’s Lupuzor is a CD4 T-cell modulator and Bristol-Myers Squibb’s Orencia is an anti-CD80/CD86 therapy. The introduction of new biologic drugs will shape the future competitive landscape and drive growth in the SLE and LN markets.

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