Salman Khan and Akshay Kumar had come together for David Dhawan's 'Mujhse Shaadi Karogi' in 2004. The two superstars also did a song for Farah Khan's 'Tees Maar Khan' in 2011. Now we have learnt that in the upcoming film 'Fugly', which is being co-produced by Akshay himself, they will be seen dancing to a Yo Yo Honey Singh song with four newcomers in the video.
Well, if you are wondering how this happened, it's not because of some new-found friendship between these two stars, but Salman's friendship with Akshay's co-producer Ashvini Yardi that made him say yes in doing this song.
Well, seems like these two super dancing stars are bound to be a hit with the audience in 'Fugly'.
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