Dodonpachi Daifukkatsu Walkthrough Black Label HD (Xbox 360) Coinfeeding

2014-02-22 5

DoDonPachi DaiFukkatsu (怒首領蜂 大復活 - lit. Angry Leader Bee Great Resurrection) is the fifth arcade game in Cave's DonPachi series.
Dodonpachi Resurrection: Deluxe Edition (Xbox 360)
Rising Star Games published the Dodopachi Daifukkatsu version 1.5 game in PAL territories in November 2011, under the title Dodonpachi Resurrection (Deluxe Edition). This includes Xbox 360 (Arcade), Novice, Arrange A (ver L), Arrange B (ver B). Version 1.51 is available as 80 point DLC. Black Label (including a Black Label Novice mode, but NOT Black Label Arrange) is available as 800 point DLC. The game features the cover of the Limited Edition version of the Japanese Version 1.5 release and includes the arrange soundtrack CD that came with that version.