Working in another EU state: your rights and obligations

2014-02-21 37

Daniela in Sofia asks: “I am from Bulgaria and wish to move to Slovakia to work. Do I need a work permit? Who can help me to find a job there?”

Cristina Brandini, Europe Direct Information Officer, responds:

“Being an EU citizen, you can freely work as an employee or self-employed worker in all the EU countries. However, some countries may impose transitional arrangements limiting the access to their labour market to Croatian citizens until 30 June 2020.

If you are receiving unemployment benefits from Bulgaria, going abroad to look for work will not affect your rights. Under certain conditions you can go to another EU country to look for work and continue to receive your unemployment benefits from the country where you became unemployed for up to 6 months.

Contact the employment services for details on the formalities to be carried out before departure and upon arrival in your new country.

To ensure that you and your family are covered by health insurance during a temporary stay abroad, do not forget your European Health Insurance Card. Once you have found a job, the social security rules of the country where you are employed will apply.
EU rules do not oblige your new country to grant income support or any other kind of social assistance to jobseekers looking for a job for the first time in that country.

However, even if you do not have sufficient resources to support you and your family, you cannot be forced to leave your new country as long as you can prove that you are still looking for a job and have a good chance of finding one.

Some countries may still reserve certain jobs for their own nationals, but only if these positions involve safeguarding the general interests of the state and/or the exercise of public authority. These posts typically involve the police, armed forces, diplomatic service, judiciary and tax authorities.

But if these positions don’t involve public authority they cannot be restricted to their own nationals. If you need help to find a job abroad EURES is the EU’s job mobility portal and it’s also a human network of job-advisers that can help you in resolving a number of formalities abroad.”

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