Protesters set up their own version of a field hospital in Kyiv

2014-02-20 30

Burned out of their original headquarters by riot police on Tuesday’s night of violence Kyiv protesters have occupied a government building just off Independence Square.

But organisers claim this is no act of agression, it is an orderly takeover to establish a temporary base and the original occupiers’ possessions will be respected.

“After what happened we had to look for some premises where our guys could rest,” explained one protester. “When this morning we entered this building, there were two people who worked here. Together with them we sealed some doors and they left open for us the offices where they said there was nothing important.”

Now one of the three floors has been turned into a hospital with a separate surgical ward. The other floors serve as resting rooms for activists.

“ We have drugs, a surgery table, tools, stitches and surgeons. We are ready for the worst possible scenario, unfortunately,“said a doctor.

Officially 300 people needed medical treatment on Tuesday .. activists claim it was more like 1500. Either way they claim the building is needed.