It's been 1 week since the patch hit and i've made quite a few pieces of pixel art, and i wanted to show them all. Including my FF sprites (from the Final Fantasy Games), Cecil vs Cecil (from FF IV), my Kingdom Keys (from Kingdom Hearts), King Mickey (Kingdom Hearts again), Nigel ThornBerry (From the Wild ThornBerrys), Dante (from Devil May Cry), Mega man and Mega Man x(from a mixture of Mega Man games), Zero (Mega Man again), my Ninja Turtles (obviously from the TMNT series and games), and Bulbasaur Sprite (from Pokemon)
"Minecraft Pixel Art: Cecil Becomes a Paladin (Final Fantasy IV)" "Minecraft Pixel Art: TMNT - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" "Minecraft Pixel Art: ZERO from Megaman" "Minecraft Showcase: Giant Plane" "Minecraft Pixel Art: Nigel Thornberry" "Minecraft Time Lapse: Kingdom Key" "Minecraft Pixel Art: Mega Man and Mega Man X" "Minecraft Pixel Art: King Mickey (From Kingdom Hearts)" "Minecraft Pixel Art/Time Lapse: Original Final Fantasy Job Sprites" "Minecraft Pixel Art: Dante from Devil May Cry" "My Minecraft Pixel Art: Week 1 After Patch(1.8.2)" "Minecraft Pixel Art: Spongebob Squarepants" "Minecraft Pixel Art: Steve Skins" "Minecraft Pixel Art: Pink Panther" "Minecraft Pixel Art: Master Chief" "Minecraft Pixel Art: Knuckles (Sonic The Hedgehog)" "Minecraft Wall Art: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" "Minecraft Showcase: Ship" "Minecraft Showcase: Dragon/Viking Ship" "Minecraft Pixel Art: Cloud Strife Time Lapse (final fantasy 7)"