Why You Need A Basic Computer Skills

2014-02-19 43

Why You Need A Basic Computer Skills

My name is David Lee. Welcome to this presentation, "Why You Need Basic Computer Skills". If you're in small business and just starting out, overheads and costs are an absolute killer. What can we do to help you get along, learning some basic computer skills that really aren't so difficult to learn, but will save you a fortune.

I am going to break this down into 3 parts:

1) Save Yourself A Fortune

2) High Leverage Low Cost

3) Easy To Learn

If you are willing to approach it in the right way. So, let's get started.

Part 1: Save Yourself A Fortune

I know when you want to start a business or you have a business you really have to watch the expenses that are going out of your pocket and into somebody else's pocket. How would it be if the money stayed with you just like in the photograph that gentleman with all that money front of him that he's saved as well?

Well that's really what I'm talking about. How can you do the same? Many of the skills that you can use are very, very simple to learn if you're willing to. Now many people that I meet say just straight away, the words come out, "I'm afraid of the computer. I'm a technophobe. I can't learn it, it's too difficult."

And yet, where they are in their life today, having gone to university or a college education, or worked in industry, they've probably got skills that are way beyond what I'm talking about here with learning some basic computer skills. So, if you're up for it, if you're willing to give it a go, I'll give you some examples.

Now, for one example all I'm doing here is I'm in a room by myself, with a white background. I have a PowerPoint presentation, so not only can you see me and you see that I am just talking without reading any script and no lines. You can see the presentation in front of you, and that is the idea! I want my presentation to be effective so that when I speak to you, you can see what I'm talking about.

Now why can't you do exactly the same as what I'm doing? Let more people know about you, about your business and use the Internet, use the technology, to your advantage. Literally, I set this myself up in 5 minutes. I did the presentation. It took a little bit of time, but why can't you do exactly the same? You're communicating to the world. You are saving yourself a fortune.

Other examples of this is you can be writing articles and putting on the Internet. You can be doing audios and having your own Podcast just to be able to communicate. And a lot of this is free!

Part 2: High Leverage Low Cost

Take a look at that (picture). It's exactly what you want. A small amount of money, a small amount of effort, and yet you can reach the world! When I talk people they quite often talk about their local neighbourhood or their local High Street and setting up a shop or an office that people can walk in the door.