titanfall Beta Ati radeon HD 7870 Gameplay performance

2014-02-18 1

Titanfall Beta Ati radeon HD 7870 Gameplay performance

It is finally here been looking forward to this beta as its from the guys that did the original call of duty modern warfare games, so in my mind its is maybe the first true sequel since they left infinti ward,may disagree but i could not help but feel the same feeling while playing this game,it does have its bugs ,but then again,thats why its called a beta,and more so it being a E.A game n we know what means hey guys :D.
Anyways its looking good i look forward to the full retail version.

Titanfall Beta running and performance
Game is set to default High setting at res of 1600x1050
systems specs are i7 @ 3.5ghz ,ati radeon hd 7870 2gb,32gb of ram and main ssd hdd of 160gb and no fps lag at the end of the video i included a video taken with my camera to show you the fps in fraps with it turned off which was stable around 60fps