Yale Collegians - Someday You'll Do

2014-02-18 1

The footage in this video shows this jazzband from Yale. Rudy Vallée is on alt saxophone and clarinet, before he became famous as a singer. As such, however, this orchestra is largely forgotten. Fortunately, I found some background information in an issue of the Columbia Daily Spectator of 24 February 1926. "Les Laden's Yale University Dance Orchestra (...), popularly known as the Yale Collegians, Laden's band has been making a name for itself at many Eastern college proms (...). The orchestra (...) has been rated as the best of the professional collegiate outfits and ranks well up with many of the other syncopating groups. Twelve pieces, under the direction of Les Laden himself, (...) combine efforts in playing for the dancing. (...) The Yale Collegians are planning a European tour this summer, following in the steps of many other noted American orchestras. The musicians specialize in novelty numbers (...)". This brilliant record was made in 1927.