Robot Design Inspired by Termites

2014-02-18 1,795

Robots developed by researchers from Harvard University based on the activity of termite insects are capable of building large structures with minimal input. Researchers borrowed from nature when designing the robots, to include the concept known as stigmergy, which is the idea that coordinated behavior can be directed solely by information in the environment.

Robots developed by researchers from Harvard University based on the activity of termite insects, are capable of building large structures with minimal input.

Researchers borrowed from nature when designing the robots, to include the concept known as stigmergy, which is the idea that coordinated behavior can be directed solely by information in the environment.

Termites build mounds by following a trail of chemicals left by the other termites while carrying a piece of dirt to place higher up on the mound.

The shoe size robots use a programmed mathematical model of a structure like stairs, or a pyramid, and pick up blocks to build it.

They use sensors that only pick up on the activity happening in their direct vicinity and are not aware of the overall structure being built or robots that are further away.

The researchers say there are some advantages to using less sophisticated robotic systems.

For example, if some of the robots are destroyed, the rest can go on working without any interruption, or if part of the structure is ruined, the robots automatically start to rebuild it piece by piece.

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