Sunchaser Timelapses PRESS REEL

2014-02-18 447

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The unique work of Gavin Heffernan's Sunchaser Pictures has been featured in numerous publications and television broadcasts around the world over the last two years, including National Geographic, CBS News, WIRED, The Los Angeles Times, Popular Science, Yahoo & Yahoo Japan, Gizmodo, Scientific American, OUTSIDE Television, io9, The Weather Channel, Global News, Huffington Post, The Atlantic, and many more. Footage was used in Science Channel's ALIEN ENCOUNTERS, Travel Channel's TRIP FLIP, Wendy Greuel's LA Mayoral Campaign, and the popular LGBT documentary MATT SHEPARD IS A FRIEND OF MINE.

Oscar-nominated Jared Leto of Thirty Seconds to Mars blogged both Death Valley Dreamlapses and Canadian country music star Jason Blaine featured over 15 Sunchaser timelapses in his 2013 "Feels Like That" music video. Heffernan also just shot haunted timelapses for Bryan Singer's upcoming horror film THE TAKING (2014), a project Gavin co-wrote with director Adam Robitel.

Behind the Scenes Footage in Reel Shot by John C. Brookins
Music: "Shot in the Back of the Head" Courtesy