Which side of the car is it on? With Vancouver mortgage broker Mark Fidgett

2014-02-15 7

http://www.notapennydown.com/blog Getting a Mortgage in Vancouver with Vancouver mortgage broker Mark Fidgett. Credit tip & marriage with Vancouver mortgage broker Mark Fidgett. So have you ever been in a new car or maybe a rental and you’re not sure which side of the car the gas gauge is on? Well, the next time you get in your car I want you to check this out. What I want you to do is look at your gas gauge. On your gas gauge, you’re going to notice a little gas pump and on the gas pump there is a little arrow that points to the left or the right side. Mine points to the right and what that’s telling me, is the gas gauge for my car, the gas tank of my car to fuel it up, is on the right side of my car.
The next time you’re driving a rental car or someone else’s car you don’t have to worry about pulling up to the gas pump getting out, oh shoot, wrong side and then get back in and move your car. You just look at the gas gauge on your dash and it tells you exactly where it is at. Is that cool or what?
Now when it comes to homes, if you’re leaning to the left, leaning to the right and kind of not sure if you should buy or if you should sell or maybe just refinance and add on, that’s where I come in. I can help! So just call me for a free, no obligation consultation. We will sit down, figure out what your best options are, so just give me a call and we will go from there. I’ll see you right here next week on the tip of the week. Have a great day.

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