Heartwarming Message for Mom on Hospital Roof Goes Viral

2014-02-12 39

A very simple message carved out in snow that read “HI MOM GOD BLESS U” has warmed many hearts.

Sometimes, actions convey emotions far better than words.

A very simple message carved out in snow that read “HI MOM GOD BLESS U” has warmed many hearts.

Since a photo of the note was released online, many Netizens have gotten a little teary eyed. The words were written in snow on the rooftop of a parking garage at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago.

The upper floors in the hospital overlook the garage. Patients in rooms on higher levels were among the first to see the message in the snow.

A nurse at the hospital spotted 4 people writing the massage on the roof of the parking garage and snapped this picture.

After the note was completed and read, smiles were brought to the faces of both patients and staff. Everyone began pondering who was responsible for writing it.

It was soon determined that a 14-year-old boy named William Hart and his family wrote the initial HI MOM message for his mother who is in the hospital following a Leukemia diagnosis, and later added GOD BLESS U for all the patients.