Priyanka Chopra is one of the top actresses in Bollywood today and is steadily making a mark globally, with her songs. And now, the special dinner invitation from the President of India, Pranab Mukherjee, adds yet another feather to her cap. The event was organised for the President of TheFederal Republic of Germany, Joachim Gauck, during his six-day visit to India. Other dignitaries present at the do include veteran actor Sharmila Tagore, entrepreneur Nandan Nilekani, Congress chief Sonia Gandhi, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, among others.
Priyanka was invited as she has become a global face. "Apart from the incredible work she has done as an actor, Priyanka is also making a mark internationally with her music. She was invited on the request of President Gauck, owing to her popularity internationally," says a source close to Priyanka.
The meet was held on February 5 and the actor did not want to miss it. "After she interacted with all the dignitaries present, she headed for other commitments in the capital," adds the source. Ask Priyanka about this and she says, "It was a huge honour to be invited and to be part of such august company. It was a great experience and very humbling."