His Hands International is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization with one purpose: To be the hands and feet of Jesus, showing love and compassion to the poor and needy in Guatemala. We do this through our Guatemala Mission located in the mountains above Guatemala City. We lead short term missions trips, medical missions trips, and mission vacations.
We have been working in Guatemala since 2005 in the Zacapa region with Hope of Life International. The Lord opened a door for us and showed us a need in the Sacatepéquez region about 45 minutes up in the mountains above Guatemala City. Here there are thousands of poor Maya children and their families. We have been working in this area for the last 2 years.
Feeling the Lord's calling to establish a long term work in this area, we began to pray. God provided an opportunity to purchase land at a good price for our mission in Buena Vista. And for the last year or so we have been holding outreaches on our property.
The Lord had given me a vision for the property and in April 2013 we met with our Architect to share our vision for our project. Again in December 2013 we met with the Architect and the beautiful drawing that he showed us, you could tell the Holy Spirit had been with him as well.
So now we have the land, we have the people, and we have the drawings. What we don't have is the money, but I am confident that my God will supply! We have seen a 300% increase in the number of children that showed up for our event in an 8 month span.
The time for us to act is now. God has given this vision. We must move forward in faith that He will supply all. We are looking for mission partners to pray for this work, to come to Guatemala on a short term missions trip and help us, and we are looking for financial partners. God has given us all talents. We all make up the body of Christ. We all can't be feet and go. We all can't be hands to earn money. But we all have a mind and can pray.
So please consider getting involved today. More information can be found on our web site www.guatemalamissions.net or www.hishands.org