7 Book Marketing Tips for Authors

2014-02-08 11

http://www.castlevirtualsolutions.com (Author's Virtual Assistant)
======================================================================As a writer, the process of writing your novel can feel like the most difficult
and stressful period, especially with all of the editing and rewrites that will be necessary.
However, writing the story is actually easy compared to marketing your new book. Here are
7 book marketing tips to help promote your book to commercial success:

1. Shout about it -
A book isn't going to promote itself; it might
be amazing, but it's not that smart. For your book to really
sell, you need to tell people about it. Be proud of your work,
and feel confident to big it up.

2. Utilize the Internet
The internet has become an incredibly powerful tool to pinpoint and
approach your target audience quickly through websites, forums,
video and social media. In the real world, you need to chase
potential readers, but the Internet draws them all together
from right across the globe.

3. Create a solid platform
Think about creating a brand that truly represents your book. Blog about
your story, write guest posts on other blogs, create press
releases, advertise it on Twitter and Facebook and don't forget to
include links to it when you comment on other blogs.

4. Reach out
As with any business, communication is the key to
success. Don't be afraid to talk to people especially through
social media, such as Twitter. Make friends with people who share
your passion for the written word, and you never know, they might be
your next customer.

5. Continue to communicate
Once you've made a sale, don't for a minute think that that is your job
done. Communication between fans is a crucial part of promotion,
because word-of-mouth is another key part of book marketing and
promotion. If your fans like you, and find you easy to talk to, they
are more likely to talk about you to their friends, encouraging
further sales.

6. Research authors
Research some of your favorite writers - especially successful ones - and
take inspiration from the way that they conduct themselves, promote
their books and interact with fans and other authors.

7. Commitment.
Above all else, make an active decision to truly commit time and energy to your
novel. Think about how much effort went into writing your novel, and
put the same amount into marketing it. It will all be worth it, in the end.

If you are feeling a bit overwhelmed, then you may need to consult with an Author's Virtual

This video features images by Tim Duncan (Own work) licensed under CC-BY-3.0 and
Ubud Writers Festival (Anna Funder Book Signing licensed under CC-BY-2.0