GUILLOTINE Episode 3 - - Horror Hotel Web Series - - (English Language, Subtitles, Closed Captions, HD)

2014-02-04 984

Wooden Artifact salvaged from the Guillotine used to execute Marie Antoinette is in the possession of Al Sharko. The old relic gives a woman absolute seductive power. Doreen Grey, a beauty pageant contestant, wants it so she can win the big contest. Doreen is willing to swap her car for the magical charm so Sharko meets Doreen and her friend, Collette, at the motel for the swap. As a test Collette tries it on and is transformed into a ravishing beauty. After seeing Collette's metamorphoses Doreen becomes obsessed with owning the talisman at any cost. As Sharko haggles for a salacious deal Doreen puts on the wooden talisman and uses her new powers to manipulate the greasy car booster. After being beautified by the amulet, Collette wants to borrow it but Doreen jealously refuses. "You won't be using it at all. Not ever!"
"It's real name is Marie Antoinette's Guillotine," says Al Sharko. "Your friend is simply trading a used car for something that is far more valuable and can take her much further than her car ever could." Sharko never lets snobby young women with bad attitudes get in the way of good business. "Right on the cutline, that's where it works the best."
"I'm beautiful and everyone loves me," says Doreen to Collette. "You even love me. You said so yourself."

Directed by Brandon (2Mill) Thaxton
Staring Stephanie Stevens, Ann Marie Gideon, James Edward Thomas
Produced by Debbie Hess
Director of Photography: Bruce Lane
Written by Al Hess
Filmed in Marietta, Georgia
Horror Hotel Created by Ricky Hess