Requiem for Billy the Kid / Requiem pour Billy the Kid (2007) - Trailer

2014-02-04 4

Directed by : Anne Feinsilber
Produced by : Cargo Films
Genre: Documentary - Runtime: 1 h 26 min
French release: 10/01/2007
Production year: 2006

"Requiem for Bill the Kid" is a 90-minute documentary whose images project us with the thunder of a Colt 45 into the world of the Western.
Shot in 35mm scope, the film is a hybrid bridging the narrative form with traditional documentary filmmaking to create a fresh outlook into an eternally captivating American myth. Although conceived as a fascinating walk among the ghosts that once populated one of the most dangerous territories of the American West, it opens a door to an America as distant as it is contemporary.

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