Olympic torch travels through volatile Caucasus region

2014-02-04 34

The Olympic torch is on the move through Russia's volatile Caucasus region.

Torchbearers ran along snowy roads, beside cheerful crowds and festive dancers.

It reached Maikop on Monday, located in the Republic of Adygea. It's part of the North Caucasus where Russian authorities are confronting Islamic insurgents.

With only 4 days to go, International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach says they are taking security threats very seriously:


"We have to address this (the security threats) because, anything else, the alternative would be to surrender to terrorists and this is, I think, the last thing we all want to do. Every organizer needs to make sure that the Games are as safe and secure as possible."

As locals celebrated alongside the Olympic flame, a Russian military patrol ship sailed towards Sochi - increasing security measures to make sure the games go off with