Death toll rises after Indonesian volcano eruption

2014-02-02 204

Indonesia’s Mount Sinabung volcano on the island of Sumatra is continuing to spew ash as the number of dead rises to at least 15.

Activity had increased in recent months, however it is the first time that it has claimed any lives.

The government has evacuated tens of thousands of residents near the area of the almost 2,500 metre volcano.

Rescuers were continuing to search for further victims of the eruption, which happened on Saturday.

One local volcanologist said that “in order to access the bodies they have to go into prohibited areas” as it’s an emergency.

They are commonly affected by hot clouds so they will “need to consider limiting the number of personnel, time spent and equipment used.”

The Centre for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation had put the volcano on the highest alert status – setting a five kilometre radius danger zone from the mountain peak.

Mount Sinabung is one of nearly 130 active volcanoes in Indonesia. In 2010, 350 people were killed when Mount Merapi in the centre of the country erupted.