Gov. Christie 'Bridgegate' scandal flares up

2014-02-01 345

It's a traffic jam that just won't go away for New Jersey Governor Chris Christie.

On Friday a former New Jersey official claimed Christie knew about politically motivated traffic jams as they happened, re-igniting a political scandal that has taken a toll on the prominent Republican.

Christie says not so, denying any wrongdoing.

It's a position he has taken before.


"I had no knowledge of this, of the planning, of the execution, or anything about it, and that I first found out about it after it was over. And even then, what I was told was that it was a traffic study."

The closure of lanes on The George Washington Bridge last September caused four days of severe traffic jams for commuters and residents of Fort Lee, New Jersey, whose mayor declined to endorse Christie's re-election bid, and prompted official investigations into the role of the governor's office.

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