'Death squads' in Ukraine says leader of one opposition party

2014-01-31 236

The hospital where activist Dmytro Bulatov is recovering from his injuries has become the latest focus of the unrest in Kyiv. His supporters are defying the authorities and say his claims of torture are genuine and must be acted on.

“He was beaten, tortured and crucified. His hands were nailed. He was interrogated and continually asked, ‘Who is behind automaidan, who is financing automaidan?’ “ explained fellow activist Andriy Telizhenko..

At the capital’s airport the leader of one of the opposition parties – on his way to the security conference in Munich believes Bulatov’s alleged abduction is evidence of death squads.

“We will insist in Munich on starting an international investigation into all the facts of murders, abuse, torture, kidnapping of people and those incidents where journalists were targeted and shot at. Recent events with Dmytro Bulatov are evidence of the facts there are now death squads in Ukraine, like in Latin America,” said Arsenyi Yatsenyuk, leader of the Fatherland Party.

The arrest warrants for Bulatov and two other activists came on the day the amnesty for detained protesters and the repeal of the anti-protest legislation was signed into law.