UK: no danger or 'evidence of a nuclear event' at UK's Sellafield plant

2014-01-31 2

Despite elevated levels of radioactivity at the Sellafield nuclear processing plant, British authorities say there is no danger to the public or workforce.

The alert was raised on Friday when high levels of radioactivity were detected at one of Sellafield’s on-site monitors.

However, Britain’s Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) has stated there is “no evidence of a nuclear event”.

In a statement, the NDA said “precautionary” measures had been put in place as they “don’t know where the radiation is coming from”.

Based in the north west of England, Sellafield is reportedly operating normally, but with reduced staffing levels.

The levels of radioactivity detected were said to be above naturally occurring radiation, but well below levels that would call for action to be taken by the workforce on or off the site.

Sellafield is currently undergoing decommissioning and dismantling; something protesters have fought for since a fire in 1957 caused an estimated 100 deaths and the release of radioactive vapour into the atmosphere.