Concern for gay rights ahead of Russia's Sochi Olympics

2014-01-30 121

The 2014 Winter Olympics kicks off in the resort of Sochi on February 7 and Russia is doing its best to ensure that the world sees sparkling new stadiums, state-of-the-art ski lifts, and freshly paved roads.

The games are being touted as one of the most expensive in history. But underneath this glitzy facade is a darker side.

Human Rights Watch says concerns are growing over Russia's treatment of migrant workers and the introduction of legislation outlawing the promotion of homosexuality.


"What is very important for us is that the situation in Sochi reflects the complete human rights situation in Russia. So altogether in Russia we have problems with working migrants, there is a huge constraints on the civil society and there is also the discrimination against and intimidation of lesbians and gays."

In the UK, protesters have been making a song and a dance about Russia's gay

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