Peruvian authorities rescue five European tourists stranded along Apurimac river

2014-01-29 984


STORY: Five European tourists were rescued on Sunday by members of Peru's High Mountain Rescue Team after they had lost their way along the Apurimac River.

The tourists were found in a gorge along the Yuracmayo tributary en route to the ecological park of Salkantay in southern Peru.

Cristhian Allik, Liisi Leheness, Madli Tiwkg of Estonia, Lithuanian Nadezda Pavlincek, and Costin Nabjul of Romania were airlifted by helicopter and taken to the city Cuzco.

The rescue team began searching for the five tourists on Friday. The were located after 18 hours of searching.

According to reports, the five - who were not traveling with a tour guide - became disoriented after leaving the Choquequirao ruins. They used a satellite phone they had to call for help after losing their way.

All were found in good health, however. Two were beginning to suffer from the effects of dehydration.