SHAYKH UMAR IBRAHIM VADILLO, continued in this 'WORKSHOP ON GOLD DINAR 09', titled "MU'AMALAT VERSUS ISLAMISATION - SHARIAH CURRENCY AGAINST RIBA" Part 7 pointing out the parallelity of the resurgence of islamic sexual morality alongside with islamic banks.
Al-Afghani claimed himself to be the 'Luther of Islam'. Islam underwent a process of reformation like Protestantism. Protestants accept riba.
Dakwah has to be done.
E-dinar payment system must include the following
1. Backed by gold
2. Custodian or amanah must be amongst the muslim
3. Every representational unit in circulation cannot be transferred to 3rd party unless the original e-dinar is cancelled. No double-life in electronic transactions.
E-dinar payment system is based on the dinar. To have dinar in place you have to have physical gold coins in place. You cannot start a digital payment system unless you have cold coins in circulation.
Proportionality is crucial. 1 dinar is 4.25g, 2 dinar is 8.5g