Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan, who was injured on Thursday on the sets of Happy New Year, has been advised a complete rest as reportedly his injury is far from minor.
According to sources, when Khan went back to the hospital for more tests on Thursday night following which it came out that his injuries were not minor.
Earlier the Bollywood Badshah was rushed to Nanavati Hospital after suffering an injury on the sets of his forthcoming film Happy New Year. It is being said that the actor was shooting for a dance sequence when a door fell on him and he hurt his face and head.
Shah Rukh received a standing ovation for his professionalism from the cast and the crew of 'Happy New Year' as after taking medicines, he returned to the set for shoot. However a good friend and filmmaker Farah Khan cancelled the shoot.
Well, we salute the King Khan and hopes for his speedy recovery!
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