China jails prominent rights activist for four years

2014-01-26 110

Chaotic scenes outside a Chinese court - after one of the country's most prominent rights advocates is sentenced to four years in prison.

Xu Zhiyong was found guilty on Sunday of - quote - "gathering a crowd to disturb public order."

His lawyer weighed in on the court's decision:


"This verdict is not just. But we do not accept the court's (ruling). And we can't say anything in the court."

Zhiyong had campaigned for the rights of children from rural areas to be educated in cities. And for officials to disclose their assets.

Furious at the ruling, this pro-democracy demonstrator held her own protest in Hong Kong, throwing paper money for the dead in front of the Chinese National Emblem. Symbolic of the death of law in mainland China.


"How can you sentence someone to four years like this? He is innocent. There is no rule of law in ma

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