NJ Burglars Target Wrong House for Drugs, Assault Family Inside

2014-01-25 44

A family in New Jersey had their sense of security brutally taken from them after violent burglars broke into the wrong house looking for narcotics.

Getting robbed is bad enough, imagine if you weren't even meant to be the initial target.

Sadly, for a family in New Jersey, violent burglars broke into the wrong house looking for narcotics.

According to the unidentified homeowner, four masked men entered his residence on a recent Thursday. He was harshly woken up by the criminals, who immediately demanded drugs and money.

Although the male told them they had the wrong residence, the suspects weren’t ready to leave. They proceeded to assault the homeowner, by punching him, pistol whipping and striking him with a crow bar.

The burglars then tied him up and brought the man’s wife and two children, aged 8 and 4 into another room in the house. Horrifically, the suspects began beating them as well.

When the bound man heard his wife and children screaming, he managed to use his weight to push his body through the door. He was able to break free and run to a neighbor’s house to call for help.

Unfortunately the suspects fled before police arrived. They got away with approximately $300 and the family’s cell phones.

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