"Mama's Black Baby Boy" is Part One of the documentary film The Czar of Black Hollywood and chronicles the first 20 years of filmmaker Oscar Micheaux's life from his humble origins in southern Illinois at the turn of the century to his arrival in the "black metropolis" of Chicago in the early 1900s, including his adventures as a Pullman porter.
Oscar Micheaux (1884-1951) was a towering figure even by today's standards. He was not only America's preeminent black filmmaker for three decades, but also the most prolific; having directed or produced 22 silent movies and 15 talking pictures during his illustrious, yet tumultuous career. The Czar of Black Hollywood uses archival film, images and music to create a compelling documentary of Micheaux's early life and his production of the first feature length silent film and sound motion picture by an African-American.
IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3501904
Website: http://www.theczarofblackhollywood.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/oscarmicheauxdocumentary