A Day In History: BP Oil Spill Photoshop Scandal

2014-01-24 360

The BP Oil Spill that happened on April 20th, 2010 was a terrible disaster that killed 11 people, destroyed the natural habitats of many seafaring animals, and made many bystanders step back and ask some very important questions in regards to their demand for oil. The British Petroleum Oil Spill was caused by an explosion of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico. This explosion caused oil to leak out and cover the ocean with a thick, black fog. Images of this disaster quickly surfaced, but as today's historical event from That Was History will tell, BP did not want their image tainted so easily. It was soon discovered that BP was altering their photographs to look more appealing in the public's eyes. The amazing photo editing software, Photoshop, was to blame. Join Cliff, your host for today's history lesson, and learn all the details of the BP Photoshop Scandal that occurred on July 22nd of 2010.

That Was History is an educational, history channel with a laid back feel. TWH was founded by Cliff Langston and Jeremy Payne. Each episode contains a historical event and facts that correspond to a particular date. Join the That Was History community and start getting your daily history update, today!




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All images are in the public domain and are provided by the national archive or http://publicdomainpictures.net

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