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Skyrim Walkthrough: Ep. 71 Pt. 3 "Pieces of the Past" (Reforging Mehrunes' Razor)

2014-01-24 5

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Part 1 here:
Part 2 here:

The main point of this quest is to get 4 deadra hearths. You do receive Mehrune's Razor, which has a small chance to instant kill, but I didn't find myself using it a lot after getting it. To start this quest you need to travel to Dawnstar and find the museum which is run by Silus. You actually get an invitation to look at his museum from a messenger at an early stage of the game.
Retrieving the Pummel of Mehrune's Razor

This part of the quest is at Dead Crone Rock which, if you were wondering, you can found south-west-west of Markath.

You can find the word of power "Run" of the Dismay shout here at Dead Crone Rock.

Whilst on your map it will look like you won't have to go through a dungeon to get to the quest marker you actually do. Inside them you will mostly face forsworn and mages.

The main difficulty with mages is dealing damage to them because they usually have low health and have next to no armor. The absolute best way to kill them is by using bow and arrow because, even at higher levels, bows can often instant kill them if you are sneaking and have a particular perk in Sneak which increases the damage bonus with bows and arrows from a sneak attack. If you are using a sword or similar close combat weapon sneaking is often very useful as well because you will need to close the distance between you and the mage very quickly. I also like using the Wabbajack which has a chance to turn them into an animal for a while which gives you the chance to get close to the mage. You can find a guide to finding the Wabbajack here.

Retrieving the Hilt of Mehrune's Razor:
This is simple. You will need to find Jorgen in Moetrhal to get a key to his house to get the hilt. It is in his house which is near the Sawmill in Morthal which is near the northern bridge. To open the chest in which the hilt of Mehrune's Razor is you don't need a key. I could pick the lock and it was at the Adept difficulty for me.

You can persuade, intimidate and pickpocket the keys from Jorgen. You can pay some gold which will also do the trick, but personally I don't like to pay for things I can get in a different way for free, at least in a video game. You don't get a quest marker for the specific location of the key so if you don't want to talk to Jorgan you can look at the videos below which will show you the location of the hilt in the second video at around 4 minutes 30 seconds.

Retrieving the Blade Shards of of Mehrune's Razor

You can find the last piece of Mehrune's Razor at Cracked Tusk Keep which is east of Farkarth:

In Cracked Tusk Keep there are a lot of traps and orcs. Tough close quarter combat enemies are easily beat by ensuring that you are outside of your opponents reach whilst you aren't dealing damage to him. Also make sure that you keep an eye on your health because sometimes you take a lot more damage than you think you have been. To avoid using expensive healing potions retreat and use magic to heal up.

Sometimes in Cracked Tusk Keep there are spikes clocking your way and you won't be able to find a lever or chain to lower them. You will need to find a box with a button in it which might be locked.

There are a lot of traps in this room. You can trigger them safely by aiming at them when you are in reach. There is a chest to the left of the middle section when you are facing the shards of the blade.

Reforging Mehrune's Razor

You will need to travel to the Shirine of Mehrunes Dagon. There you will be told to kill Silus Vesuius, which I did, but is actually optional. I'm not sure what happens because I have never tried it. After this you will need to kill a total of 4 Dremora Markynazs which come at you in pars, one outside and one inside the shrine. They are tough to kill and deal a fair amount of damage. Be sure to maneuver in such a way that only one can hit you at once and then use basic combat techniques. You can find a full description of these techniques in the side bar of

Inside you will find a lot of loot along with a few Ebony Ingots which are useful when creating Deadric armor.