Feedback for the Classes You Suggested, Black Ops 2 Weapon Guide

2014-01-24 7

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In this video I take a look at the class setups you suggested in the weapon guides for the KAP-40, R870 MCS and MP7. If you would like to be a part of a similar video in the future leave a comment on the upcoming weapon guides with your favorite class setup for the weapon I discuss.

AnimetionArt0 said he likes to use the KAP-40 with extended clip, ghost, hardline, scavenger, dexterity, grenade and two concussion grenades. I like this class setup, especially hardline. When I was using it I nearly got four orbital VSATs in one game. However, I missed toughness since the KAP-40 is an automatic weapon. I didn't find that I needed to use concussion grenades too often, so I would suggest you switch them for toughness as a second perk 2.

MultiTheman9 suggested I use the MP7 with a suppressor, fast mag, laser sight, ghost, flak jacket, toughness and tactical mask. Again, I like the class setup. It lets you be aggressive and close to the enemies without them ever knowing you are there. However, I found that often it took longer to kill enemies with hip fire than it could have taken by aiming down the sights. Indeed if you switch the laser sight for the quickdraw handle you can still use hip fire when you are very close to enemies. But now you have a much more viable medium range weapon since you can aim down the sights of the MP7 very quickly.

TheViewerselis suggested a more traditional shotgun class for the R870 MCS using long barrel, laser sight, the five seven, lightweight, fast hands, extreme conditioning, two concussion grenades and C4. I like the C4 since it use very quick to use and you can choose when to detonate it. But I feel that using the five seven isn't necessary since it is better if you avoid engagements where you can't win with the R870 MCS. Also I kept running out of C4. So I suggest you give up the five seven and one concussion grenade for scavenger as a second perk 2.