Hitman Absolution Guide: Attack of the Saints, Eliminate Jennifer & Heather w/ Signature Kills

2014-01-24 1

Written Guide and More Information: http://wp.me/p1SfP0-16A
Next Mission: http://youtu.be/TTBOi2Vqzdk
Website: http://auluftwaffles.com/
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Email: AULuftwaffles@hotmail.com
This is the first part of the Attack of the Saints Mission in Hitman: Absolution which is called parking. In it you make your way around the parking lot and mini golf course of the motel and eliminate Jennifer Paxton and Heather McCarthy with silent and signature kills. This guide explains how to complete this part of the mission on the hardest, purist, difficulty. It does not explain how to complete the different challenges in this area.
At the start make your way through the burning building until you get to a room. Pick up the iron in that room and put on the suit that is also in it. Then go out onto the balcony and crouch walk down it until you get to a freezer next to the left wall. Hide in that freezer and wait for your first target, Jennifer Paxton, to have walked past the freezer.
Then get out of the freezer and follow her until the two guards ahead have turned right into the room you took the suit in. Then select your fiber wire and garrote Jennifer Paxton and drag her body back to the freezer you hid in and hide her in it. Deselect the fiber wire and make your way back towards the start of the balcony where you just garroted Jennifer Paxton. One of the guards will leave the room and turn towards the rubble at the end of the balcony. Subdue him and take his disguise and hide his body in the same freezer you hid Jennifer Paxton in. Follow the balcony all the way to the other end and go down the stairs. Once you get to the first platform take cover on the wall.
Keep following that cover to the right and change cover as necessary. Eventually you will get to a corner. Go around it and get out of cover. Crouch walk towards the burning car and take cover on the side of it. Throw the iron over the fence ahead.
Then go through the gap in the fence in the right end of it. Pick up the brick which is on the ground close to the other side of the gap in the fence. Make your way forwards and take cover on the wooden poles that make up a small wall with the two trees on either side. Follow that cover all the way to the right and change cover. Get out of cover and take cover on the other side of the similar small wooden wall behind you. Swap the brick for the golf club. As soon as the two guards talking have turned and started to walk away throw the golf club to your left.
Pick up the brick from earlier. Then crouch walk forwards and towards the small wall to the right of the big rock. When you are a short distance away from it turn right and throw the brick near the two guards.
Then crouch walk past the small wooden wall and towards the left bar. Take cover in the freezer at the back of that bar and wait for the second target, Heather McCarthy, to have walked up and is standing next to the bar. Then wait a little longer until a guard walks past her to the left.
And as soon as he has turned forwards get out of the freezer and garrote Heather McCarthy. Pull her behind the bar and all the way to the right, then let go of her wand take cover on the back side of the counter.
Wait for the guard at the far other side of the golf area to have walked off to the right (you can just make him out to the right of the small doll standing on the counter in the image above). Then pick up Heather McCarthy again and dump her into the freezer you hid in before. Then walk down the pathway to the left of the bar and turn left to go down some stairs towards the exit doors. Once you have picked the lock and gone through the door it is the end of this part of the mission.