Web News - Calls for sanctions against Ukraine

2014-01-24 4

In this edition: growing calls for sanctions against Ukraine; British web users denounce police violence against anti-fracking protesters; and a paragliding champ in spectacular flight.

Several people have been killed over the past few days in the ongoing clashes between security forces and protesters in Kiev and calls for sanctions against Ukraine are growing. 
There are a number of petitions circulating online urging the United States to respond to the use of force against protesters by taking targeted measures against the powers that be in Ukraine. Starting with head of state Viktor Yanukovych; this document calling for personal sanctions against the president has been signed by close to 140 000 web users and was launched on the White House petitioning website when Ukraine’s pro-Europe movement was just beginning.
Two anti-corruption organizations have set up this platform calling on western countries to investigate the head of state, his family and entourage for money laundering and fraud, and to freeze any of their assets held in the US and the European Union.
The US Embassy in Kiev has said it has revoked the visas of several people involved in recent violence, and Brussels says it is “shocked” by the clashes and has spoken of “possible actions” against Ukraine.
Some activists have taken their own retaliatory measures. There is a campaign underway on social networks calling for a boycott of companies owned by businessmen with close ties to the presidential party. The aim being to hit the authorities’ inner circles where it hurts the most: in the wallet. 
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