Dr.Vorobjev, gambling addiction treatment

2014-01-23 20

Dr. Vorobjev’s specialist clinics can look back on 15 years of successful therapy for addiction. Following on from the first clinic in Moscow, additional clinics were opened in other countries to assist those suffering from addiction-related illnesses in these countries. There are many paths that lead to addiction, dependency on drugs or alcohol, but also to a slide into gaming addiction - the consequences are usually fatal. Addicts are often capable of giving the impression that they are leading normal lives, although the dangers of being thrown off the track increase and are frequently underestimated. It is not easy to find a way out of addiction, but it is possible. In fact, the chances of success exist, as the therapy success of Dr. Vorobjev demonstrates.

Adress:- Sremskih Boraca 2E

Phone no:- 381 63 24 7777

Websites:- http://www.addictclinic.com