I Hate Age Spots and I'm not going to take it any more.

2014-01-23 644

http://www.IHateDarkSpots.com In this time lapse video, Celeste gets rid of her pigmentation spots in 30 days. Gone in 30 days. Day 1: "Hi, I'm Celeste, and as you can see I have age spots." (She points to the brown age spot on her left hand.) "Specifically that one right there. I wish they wouldn't call them age spots. They should be called experience spots. But, any way, all kidding aside I have been wanting to get rid of them. So I just recently purchased this product called Best Age Spot Remover and I got it on Amazon.com." "The company advertises that the product is "supposed" to correct dark spots, remove age spots, and lighten pigmentation discoloration of the skin. So I'm going to put it to the test and see if it really works." (She opens a fresh jar of Best Age Spot Remover.) "Here we go. Now the directions say to apply a thin layer to the affected area." (She dips a q-tip in the jar.) "It doesn't say to use a q-tip or anything. That's just easier for me." (She applies enough Best Age Spot Remover to jut cover the dark spot. ) "It's completely covered. Okay, we'll see what happens." Day 14 - about 1:14 in the video: (She points to her hand.) "Hi, it's me again. I did notice that, after about 10 days, the area that I have been applying the cream dried out a little bit. But I'm assuming that's because it has to get through the top layer of skin before it can actually start working really good." (She points at and hovers right next to her clearly lightened dark spot.) "It's been 14 days and you can tell there is a difference. (As she chuckles.) "I can tell. I don't know if you can on the video but, anyway, I'm going to apply it again. (She applies Best Age Spot Remover with a q-tip, again, as before.) "I'll do another video - in the next few days. And We'll see how it's going." Day 30 - about 1:58 in the video: "Hi, it's me again. And we have fast-forwarded 30 days.…