World leaders started looking up my Caucasian /white Hebrew distant relatives !

2014-01-22 21

I am his Melchizedek Dr.Mekbib Adgeh and it is my Global, Universal Caucasian Hebrew/Hebraist campaign message I am working on: THE WORLD LEADERS STARTED LOOKING UP MY CAUCASIAN HEBREW/CAUCASIAN HEBREW ROYAL DISTANT RELATIVES, I LEAD THEM VICTORIOUS OVER THEM ALL ! I his Melchizedek Dr. Mekbib Adgeh the tomorrow his Melchizedek Dr. Dovid Shem Adam and by the guidance of Elohim, by my nontransferable Elohim established caucasian Hebrew/Hebrast Government & Congregation of the unverse, under my non transferable Elohim anointed, appointed, established Caucasian Hebrew/Hebraist High Priest ( Kohen Gadol) ruler of all nations in the universe leadership which beats all governments in the anti-Hebraist world order at least in 52 ways, I have lead my Caucasian Hebrew/Caucasian Hebrew Royal distant relative Israelis who had been upholding Judaism, "Arabs, Iranians " who had been upholding Islam, victorious over Christianity, "Judaism", Messianic Judaism, Islam, all other religions in the anti-Hebraist world order as well as over all other forms of governance/government of the anti-Hebrast world order. Therefore, the then world leaders have started looking them up, since August 2, 2012, Av 14, 5772 H.C. Av 14 51 H.E. the God of Israel/Shem/the almighty God spoke about 3,400 years > in Numbers 24:17> 2, 400 Danie 8:25, 100% having destroyed the very.., problems congested, stronghold of satan anti-Hebraist world order in my debates 2005-7, 5765-7 H.C. 44-46 H.E. , I , his Melchizedek Dr. Mekbib Adgeh the tomorrow his Melchizedek Dr. Dovid Shem Adam am advancing victoriously ousting all governments in the anti-Hebraist world order 100% smooth, public, stable, righteously, I have 100% divinely replaced, divinely ousted all the religions in the anti-Hebraist world order ! Therefore, the then world leaders of the anti-Hebraist world order, have started looking up my Caucasian Hebrew/Caucasian Hebrew Royal distant relatives! The white man in the video clip you watch is I, his MelchizedekDr.Mekbib Adgeh the tomorrow his Melchizedek Dr.Dovid Shem Adam when I am in my exact bright Caucasian Hebrew look as I stated it in my 40 titles!
His Melchizedek Dr. Mekbib Adgeh the tomorrow his Melchizedek Dr.Dovid Shem Adamthe non transferable Elohim anointed, appointed, established Caucasian Hebrew/Hebraist Royal High Priest ( Kohen Gadol), ruler of all nations in the universe, Elohim restored Shavout as well as the Caucasian Hebrew Royal crown of my Caucasian Hebrew Royal forefathers Shem.. our world, universal Kingdoms the Elohim anointed, appointed, established redeemer, restorer, inheritor, light for all of the Caucasian Hebrew descendants of Shem as well as Caucasian Japhet, the Elohim appointed,living head/Shem of the household of Israel/Shem, the founder of the Hebraist Bet Elohim, the Hebraist Universe, the proud Caucasian Hebrew ethnic American man with redskin Hebrew, Caucasian Hebrew look, the only man in the Universe, http://www.Hebraistnews.US